Stocking Report: November 6, 2023

Dear Club Members and Guests

On Friday, November 3rd we stocked 125 fish in the stream. The trout consisted all rainbows. The 2/3’s were sizes 15 to 18 inches.   The MEGAS were 22 to 26 inches…

2024 Renewal for Membership were mailed on October 10.  If you didn’t receive your packet for the 2024 season, please contact me by phone to have a resend of lease agreement.

And with major news:  I have posted at YCTI pictures of the “BANNED FOR LIFE” people, so if you don’t have Facebook, now you can identify them at the trout club.  I have ZERO TOLERANCE for disrespectful behavior and law enforcement has been notified about the individuals.

Non-Members: call or text to schedule for future Day Passes: for which day and time of arrival. Please do not email to schedule a non-member day pass, calling or texting is a much faster process… 412-309-1155

There are winter 2023/2024 dates of avaiability for cabin rentals, call or text if your interested in bookings…

The waiting list for future membership is now going into the year 2028/2029. If your interested, email or text to my cell phone your home mailing address and label which membership your interested in, Individual or Corporate. 412-309-1155.

Tight Lines…


Stocking Report: October 6, 2023.

Dear Club Members and Guests

On Friday. October 6th we stocked near 600 fish in the stream. The trout consisted of rainbows, browns,  and a few golden trout. The smaller size trout were 10 to 12 inches, mid sizes were 16 to 18 inches.

2024 Renewal for Membership will be mailed by October 10.  Please respond quickly due to the high demand for membership.  The waiting list is over 350 contacts waiting to get in.  There is price changes moving forward starting in 2024.  Across the Board.

The Black Top Sealing Project was 1/3 completed, we have postponed the remaining project to be completed in the summer of 2024.

And with major news:  Please be advised that 2 gentleman, Rick Bellman of Homer City, Pa. and his son Richard Bellman aka: Tyson from Indiana, Pa. are banned from YCTI for life.  They have displayed much DISRESPECT AND ENTITLEMENT towards YCTI.  If you would like to identify these two, they both have Facebook accounts.  If anyone decides to bring them as guests, then they don’t belong as members.

Non-Members: call or text to schedule for future Day Passes: for which day and time of arrival. Please do not email to schedule a non-member day pass, calling or texting is a much faster process… 412-309-1155

There are winter 2023/2024 dates of avaiability for cabin rentals, call or text if your interested in bookings…

The waiting list for future membership is now going into the year 2028/2029. If your interested, email or text to my cell phone your home mailing address and label which membership your interested in, Individual or Corporate. 412-309-1155.

Tight Lines…


Stocking Report: May 7, 2023.

Dear Club Members and Guests

On Thursday May 4th, we stocked 550 fish in the stream. The trout consisted of rainbows, browns, brooks, tiger’s and golden trout. The smaller size trout were 13 to 14 inches, mid sizes were 16 to 17 inches, and above average was 18 to 20 inches.

Non-Members: call or text to schedule for future Day Passes: for which day and time of arrival. Please do not email to schedule a non-member day pass, calling or texting is a much faster process… 412-309-1155

There are fall 2023 dates of avaiability for cabin rentals, call or text if your interested in bookings…

The waiting list for future membership is now going into the year 2027/2028. If your interested, email or text to my cell phone your home mailing address and label which membership your interested in, Individual or Corporate. 412-309-1155.

Tight Lines…


Stocking Report: April 9, 2023.

Dear Club Members and Guests

On Friday April 7th, we stocked 425 fish in the stream. The trout consisted of browns between 18 to 26 inches and rainbows between 15 and 25 inches.


On Saturday April 15th: Project Healing Waters will be having a Fly Fishing Event from 6am to 5pm. The trout club will be closed for that day and will be opened back up on Sunday, April 16th.

On Saturday April 22nd and Sunday April 23rd: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Fly Fishing Event. The trout club will be closed on Saturday 4/22/23 but will be opened on Sunday 4/23/23 after 1pm.

On Friday May 5th: Allegheny-Kiski Health Foundation Trophy Trout Event. The trout club will be closed for that day and be open on Saturday May 6th.

Non-Members: Please call to schedule for a day and time of arrival for non-member day passes.

Tight Lines…


Stocking Report: March 6, 2023.

Dear Club Members and Guests

On Friday March 3rd, we stocked 200 fish in the stream. The trout consisted of browns between 15 to 18 inches. The bigger trout were browns and rainbows between 24 and 28 inches and pushing towards 7 to 10 pound class trout.


On Saturday April 15th: Project Healing Waters will be having a Fly Fishing Event from 6am to 5pm. The trout club will be closed for that day and will be opened back up on Sunday, April 16th.

On Saturday April 22nd and Sunday April 23rd: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Fly Fishing Event. The trout club will be closed on Saturday 4/22/23 but will be opened on Sunday 4/23/23 after 1pm.

On Friday May 5th: Allegheny-Kiski Health Foundation Trophy Trout Event. The trout club will be closed for that day and be open on Saturday May 6th.

Non-Members: Please call to schedule for a day and time of arrival for non-member day passes.

Tight Lines…


Stocking Report: February 5, 2023.

Dear Club Members and Guests

On Friday February 3rd, we stocked 400 fish in the stream. The trout consisted of ALL BROWN TROUT! Size range was 15 to 19 inches and 2 to 2.5 pound weight class.

The waiting list for future membership is now going into the year 2026/2027. If your interested, email or text to my cell phone your home mailing address. 412-309-1155.

Non-Members: call or text to schedule for future Day Passes: for which day and time of arrival. Please do not email to schedule a non-member day pass, calling or texting is a much faster process… 412-309-1155

Tight Lines…


Stocking Report: January 6, 2023.

Dear Club Members and Guests

On Friday January 6th, we stocked 500 fish in the stream. The trout consisted of all rainbows, smaller size 14 to 15 inches, medium 17 to 18 inches and larger trout 22 to 25 inches in the 7 to 9 lbs class.

2023 renewals for membership was mailed out, if you haven’t received your materials, please let me know and I can resend the information. If your not going to renew your membership, please contact me to let me know…

The waiting list for future membership is now going into the year 2026/2027. If your interested, email or text to my cell phone your home mailing address. 412-309-1155.

Non-Members: call or text to schedule for future Day Passes: for which day and time of arrival. Please do not email to schedule a non-member day pass, calling or texting is a much faster process… 412-309-1155

Tight Lines…


Stocking Report: December 4th, 2022.

Dear Club Members and Guests

On Friday December 2nd, we stocked 650 fish in the stream. The trout consisted of all rainbows, smaller size 15 to 16 inches, medium 17 to 18 inches and larger trout 22 to 25 inches in the 5 to 8 lbs class.

2023 renewals for membership was mailed out, if you haven’t received your materials, please let me know and I can resend the information. If your not going to renew your membership, please contact me to let me know…


The waiting list for future membership is now going into the year 2026/2027. If your interested, email or text to my cell phone your home mailing address. 412-309-1155.

Non-Members: call or text to schedule for future Day Passes: for which day and time of arrival. Please do not email to schedule a non-member day pass, calling or texting is a much faster process… 412-309-1155

Tight Lines…


Stocking Report: November 7, 2022.

Dear Club Members and Guests

On Friday November 4th, we stocked 500 fish in the stream. The trout consisted of all rainbows, smaller size 14 to 15 inches, medium 16 to 18 inches and larger trout 20 to 22 inches in the 4 to 5 lbs class.

2023 renewals for membership was mailed out and there has been a nice start on return renewals, please be on the look out for these materials. If your not going to renew your membership, please contact me to let me know…

The waiting list for future membership is now going into the year 2026/2027. If your interested, email or text to my cell phone your home mailing address. 412-309-1155.

Non-Members: call or text to schedule for future Day Passes: for which day and time of arrival. Please do not email to schedule a non-member day pass, calling or texting is a much faster process… 412-309-1155

Tight Lines…


Stocking Report: October 9, 2022.

Dear Club Members and Guests

On Friday October 7th, we stocked near 800 fish in the stream. The trout consisted of all rainbows 14 to 17 inches. No Brook or Brown were stocked due to there spawning season from our resources.

YCTI will be trying to work on numbers of trout in stockings due to thermal water we got in early September from the extended summer heat at adding rain.

2023 renewals for membership will be mailed before October 15. Please be on the look out for these materials. If your not going to renew your membership, please contact me to let me know…

The waiting list for future membership is now going into the year 2026/2027. If your interested, email or text to my cell phone your home mailing address. 412-309-1155.

Non-Members: call or text to schedule for future Day Passes: for which day and time of arrival. Please do not email to schedule a non-member day pass, calling or texting is a much faster process… 412-309-1155

Tight Lines…