Dear Club Members and Guests
On Friday March 5th, we stocked 600 fish in the stream. The trout consisted of rainbows 15 to 16 inches and brown trout 15 to 18 inches, and brook trout: 15 to 17 inches. The bigger trout: rainbows were 20 to 25 inches and some were over 10 pounds.
There are some special events coming up this spring 2021…
The 12th annual Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Fly Fishing Event: Saturday April 24th and Sunday April 25th. The Club will open back up at 1pm. on Sunday the 25th. for members to fish.
The 19th annual Allegheny Kiski Health Foundation Tournament Event: Friday May 7th. The Club will be closed all day on May 7th.
We are in the snowy and cold month of the year, PLEASE make good judgement with what you travel with weather your a member, guest of a member or a non-member day pass guest. PLEASE drive with a reliable vehicle: 4×4 and good winter tires… The last couple of years we have had major issues with weather conditions and misfortunes with bad judgements… Please use common sense when coming to the trout club.
The waiting list for future membership is now going into the year 2024/2025. If your interested, email or text to my cell phone your home mailing address. 412-309-1155.
MEMBERS: There will no longer be Stocking Reports by mail, starting January 2021, all Stocking Rreports will be on the website on the NEWS link…
Non-Members: call or text to schedule Day Passes: for which day and time of arrival. Please do not email to schedule a non-member day pass, calling or texting is a much faster process… 412-309-1155
Tight Lines…